I managed to get one DJ block and one triangle done. I'm amazed I pushed myself to do it! But I haven't missed either the block of the week or triangle of the week challenge once this year, so I hate to let that record slip away after so long. The block is H4, Abbey's Eyes and has 7 pieces and was all machine pieced.
I'm fully aware of it's imperfections, but can live with them (at least for now, we'll see how I feel once I've healed). The triangle is LS6, called Susie Q and was machine/paper pieced and appliqued and has 25 pieces. I've no idea how many pieces my quilt has so far, but I'd sure love to know! My block count is up to 108 and my triangle count is up to 27. As there are only 56 triangles (including kites), I'm only 1 away from being half way done with them! I think for most people the triangles are daunting. But if you do only one per week, you'd have them all done in just over a year! That was compelling enough for me to jump on that wagon! Sometimes, I find I have to go searching for an "easy" one. But some of them can really fool you!
More later....
Stay away from the flu!
Bummer...sorry you got hit with the flu but yes, it seems to be 'bugging' alot of people late this year. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Congrats on stitching some blocks though. They look good and hopefully helped distract you a bit.