Tuesday we started with an echo cardiogram (not sure of the spelling). Wednesday I had a bone marrow biopsy and they took a piece of bone while they were at it! The doctor told me it shouldn't hurt, but still does. Thursday I had a PET/CT scan and for some reason, that just wore me out. Yesterday I had my port for chemo installed. This was about a 4 hour process from the time we were to arrive at the hospital to when they let me go. I had a really sweet nurse who was determined for me to be sedated to the point where it wouldn't bother me and she did a fantastic job. I have really come to love and appreciate nurses. What wonderful people they are to take care of others with such dedication! I'm wishing I had gone that route right as a career....
Oh, I have so many thank you notes to write. My 50th birthday landed right here in the midst of cancer diagnosis and surgery recovery, so I have thank yous to write for both events. At least I have plenty of time and my energy is not bad. I need to get things ready for chemo though as that starts on Wednesday.
Here are a couple of little things I've done over the last couple of weeks. It's not much, but they have certainly been enjoyable. In case you don't already know, you can get the patterns here.
Thanks for stopping by....
Election Realities, Progress Ahead
The politics of condescension…. The politics of name-calling…. The politics
of gaslighting…. The politics of highhandedness.… The politics of
Pollyanna…. T...
1 hour ago
Melanie, I didn't know you had so much in store for a recovery. I am keeping you in my prayers and am grateful you had such good help with this procedure. Rest up and I hope the sore spots diminish soon. I'm praying God's comfort surrounds you.